miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

Enjoy outdoor activities!

The arrival of warm weather is an ideal opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities with children. Playing outdoors, running, jumping, cycling or just taking a walk, can be a plan of the most fun to do in family.
 But besides fun, is to promote healthy exercise and highly recommended for small to discover all that nature has to offer. In addition to recreation, is also a different way of learning. Children observe how plants grow, how they live animals, the behavior of insects, stain (which is also a way to learn), stimulate your senses, and learn to socialize with other children.
 I encourage you to take advantage of your good time to organize family outings. Whether a visit to the zoo, amusement park or cheaper plans as a makeshift picnic in the park, a walk in the woods or take a bike ride. The important thing is to teach that there is a whole world to discover beyond the TV, PC and consoles. And that may be the same and even more fun.
As we said before, the example of parents is essential for children to adopt good living habits, and good weather gives us the ideal opportunity to lead by example, and also enjoy together. Is favorable for intellectual and physical development, but where the activities are shared with the family, it is also for their emotional development.
It may seem insignificant, but these small things that contribute daily to strengthen the bond between parents and children.


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